Gorgeous Chocolate Labradors


Microchip number: 000000000 Registered breeder club: Other Registered breeder number: NA Location: Saint-Prosper QC Date available: June 04, 2024
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We have 3 males and 4 females male chocolate Labradors left ready to find their forever home. They are born on March 4th 2024. They will make everybody’s heart melt in a single look. Those puppies are incredible. Kind curious and so affectionate. We know they will be amazing family dog. The parents have been recently checked by a vet and said they were in perfect shape and had very strong hips. Those puppies are the result of the third generation we are breeding. It all started from Maggie our first family dog. She was amazing the best Labrador we could imagine. She never knew she was a dog! We can absolutely see her in them.  All of them are vaccinated dewormed and microchipped. They have been meticulously examinated by a veterinarian and are in perfect health! Our puppies are covered with a 14 days garantee on infectious and viral diseases and during their first year of life on hereditary or congenital problems. Also in order to bring the new owner to think and consider castration-sterilization we offer a second year of guarantee on hereditary or congenital problems upon receipt of a castration-sterilization proof. We can ship Canada wide.  Being very close to the American border we have developed an expertise to guide you in the process to cross the Canada-USA customs with your new little companion without problem. Visit our website to know more about us and to see puppies we have available! Feel free to contact us at any moment it will be a pleasure to answer all questions!

Website : https://animalerieadoptemoi.ca/ Phone number : 418-594-2772

Email adress : animalerieadoptemoi@hotmail.com